CGFH Company

CGFH Company

The company’s primary mission since 2009 has been to supply various high quality frozen meat imported from various countries in North and South America.

The company distributes these carefully selected products to many of its customers in various countries of the Middle East, especially the Arab Gulf states. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain, therefore, every product must be suitable for halal use so that we do not leave any room for questions about the possibility of using our products in the Muslim markets

We provide a variety of meats as well as vegetables so that each of our customers can find exactly what they are looking for and to make the cooking process easier and more enjoyable, whether the products are used in home kitchens or in emerging and huge restaurants alike.

Our product list for white meat

If your preferences are chicken products, you will find different chicken dishes, represented by: boneless or skinless chicken breasts, chicken shawarma and fajitas, chicken thighs, wings, liver, gizzards, and chicken legs, in addition to the various turkey varieties as well, and all other dishes that are frozen and ready for use in any time.

Our product list for red meat

As for if what you are looking for are red meat products and you want to have a variety of dishes of frozen meat, we provide you with all the dishes that you may think of, whether from beef or goat meat, and whether you want shawarma dishes, ground meat, or steak .

And because we provide an integrated service to our customers, we provide this with different types of frozen vegetables that were grown in Egypt and packaged very carefully so that they reach you with the optimal quality at any time of the year. You no longer have to wait for a season to get the kinds of vegetables you need, and every piece of frozen we have keeps its flavor all the time.

We know the importance of safety regulations, especially those related to foods and foods, and this is what makes us keen to assure that we have a complete team that makes sure that every product that comes out from under our hands conforms to internationally agreed public safety rules, and the importance of that for us is not only related to providing the best to our customers, but that we are We believe business continuity takes great effort in maintaining product quality, without any possible default.

We have different departments, each one of them specializing in one of the following tasks: To complete the ordering, purchasing, and arranging logistics processes smoothly and to provide the fastest form of service to each of our customers worldwide.

What concerns us is to be a permanent supply partner to the various parties to which we join an unmatched level of professionalism in work and quality in products. We bring you various foods from all over the world to the exact destination that you want!

Do not hesitate to contact us and present all your requests, and our team will ensure that effective assistance is provided as quickly as possible.

أسماك مجمدة (الدنيس والقاروص)

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Import Frozen Meat & Poultry

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اللحوم والدواجن المجمدة

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مهمة الشركة الأساسية منذ عام 2009

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